This is a man to be admired.
Suzanne’s Date Night
Suzanne wanted Baron to take her to the mall. She had his cock in her mouth before they were out of the driveway.
She loves walking around with a big black man. She gets off knowing that every person there knows he’s fucking her.
This clip ends Suzanne’s late-night date night! Baron, her new bull, is between her legs as deep as he can get. Listen to what she has to say to him!
My Cuck
Kelsey sent in this video of her cuckold hubby cleaning her up after her bull pumped her full of his hot sperm!

Chasity Clear 3 1/4in Cock Cage
CB-6000 Male Male Chasity Device. All Chasity packages (except for the PA5000) come with the following: one cage portion, five different sized rings, locking pins, spacers, padlock, five individually placement locks, and a zippered storage pouch. Plus a free sample of System JO Premium Silicone Lubricant with every product. Cock cage measures 3.25 inches long with an inner diameter of 1 3/8 inch. Two guide pins brace the top pieces, while a locking pin runs through the recessed center hole, connecting the cage to the ring. Each device comes with a range of ring sizes, from 1.5 inches to 2 inches diameter. Cock cage is made from sturdy yet light weight polycarbonate, with slats for improved ventilation. Ease of urination and hygienic maintenance. Easy to clean. Instructions for CB6000: lubricate the head and penis with the included sample of System JO Premium Silicone Lubricant.