Is Wife Swapping Risky?


A distinguished psychiatrist replies to a reader who suggests wife-swapping as a means of increasing married happiness.

By Walter R. Stokes, M.D., LL.B.

In your March 1963 issue, under the title “Question of the Month,” you published a letter from one of your readers in which he confessed his desire that he and his wife hare extramarital sexual relations by mutual consent. Your reply was very interesting.

But, maybe due to a lack of experience on your part with situations like this, the sexual aspect was not discussed clearly enough. In my opinion many others have the same desires as your letter writer.

I consider myself experienced in this matter, and I am sure that my opinion could be of some help to you. I am 50 years old and my wife is 44, and we have been married for 27 years. We have been very happy. With the years our love toward each other has improved and our sexual life is very active and we both enjoy it.

Fifteen years ago I noticed that thinking of my wife having sexual relations with another man would sexually arouse me, and 1 let her know this. I noticed that she also was sexually aroused when I talked to her about the matter. As time passed we thought more and more about this.

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The Cuckold Potential Test

As a woman, do you fantasize about being with other men but are not sure how your man will handle it?  Has he mentioned adding some ‘spice’ to your relationship by adding a third, or even fourth, person to your bedroom?  He may just be a cuck and wanting you to cuckold him.

Read through this list and see how many apply to your man.  Not all may apply and some will be stronger than others, but if you can see some of the list in your man, then he may just be willing for you to find your sexually liberated self.  If you see most of the list in your man then he DEFINITELY is willing and is waiting on you to go for it!!!!

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